The American Water Works Association Board of Directors today elected Brenda Lennox of Beaverton, Ore. as the association’s next president-elect. Four new vice presidents and one new director-at-large were also selected.
An AWWA member for 20 years, Lennox is the manager of customer and support services for the Tualatin Valley Water District in Beaverton, Ore. For AWWA, she is currently a vice president and a member of the Management & Leadership Division and the Diversity & Member Inclusion Committee. She is also heavily involved in numerous committees at the Pacific Northwest Section.
Lennox begins her role as president-elect in June 2016, at the conclusion of AWWA’s Annual Conference and Exposition in Chicago. She will serve her one-year presidential term beginning in June 2017.
Lennox studied human resources and management at Portland State University in Portland, Ore. She is a 2014 recipient of AWWA’s George Warren Fuller Award.
The four new vice presidents selected by the board are:
- Kevin Bergschneider has been an active member of the Rocky Mountain Section for 15 years and is currently a member of AWWA’s Board of Directors and the Membership Committee. He is an associate vice president with HDR Engineering in Denver, where he is also the water, wastewater and water resources program leader.
- Mitch Kannenberg is very involved in the South Dakota Section, having served as chair of the Technical & Education Committee and the Administrative and Policy Council. On an Association level, he is the section director. Kannenberg is an associate vice president with Leggette, Brashears & Graham.
- An AWWA member for 25 years, Terry McGhee is notable at the Illinois Section as a founding member of the Information Management Conference Committee and the Water Efficiency Committee. McGhee is the manager of operations at the DuPage Water Commission in Elmhurst, Ill.
- Jacqueline Torbert has been an active member of the Florida Section since 1992, where she is the current chair of the Florida 2030 Water Sustainability Task Force. She is the utilities water division manager for Orange County in Orlando, Fla.
Also elected was Lindsey Olson as director-at-large. Olson is involved in many of the New Jersey Section’s committees, where she is chair of the Membership Services and Diversity Committee and the Student Affairs Committee. She is a senior design engineer at American Water in Voorhees, N.J.