The Expo is one of several notable events of the inaugural Water Week 2014 that will be held April 7-11. Organized by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), the Water Environment Federation (WEF), and the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), it’s a unique opportunity to bring clean water advocacy, education and innovation to Capitol Hill by connecting hundreds of water and wastewater professionals from across the country with their local, state and national representatives. The goal is to inform and inspire these key decision-makers about the considerable value of water and its vital importance to public health, the environment, job creation and a strong economy.
As the culminating event of Water Week 2014, the Expo provides a critical opportunity for our nation’s decision-makers to speak with experts and learn first-hand about the latest solutions to America’s most pressing water challenges. To date, the following companies have been confirmed:
- Danfoss
- Imagine H20
- GE Water & Process Technologies
- Pave Drain
- Wellintel
- Xylem
“Water and wastewater treatment represents the third largest energy consumer sector in the U.S.,” said Lisa Tryson, Director of Corporate Communications & Public Relations for Danfoss. “Policy, regulation and financing options are critical to get available, proven energy efficient technologies deployed. Through public and private sector engagement, we can make progress on the water-energy nexus.”
“Xylem is a global water leader deeply involved in every stage of the water cycle,” added Andrew Fraher, Xylem’s Director of Marketing and Business Development, North America. “Our brands produce highly efficient products and systems that require less maintenance, use less energy and provide environmental benefits to users and communities. By engaging directly with our nation’s leaders, we have a great opportunity to educate them about the important role our services have in improving quality of life, helping communities to grow, farms to prosper and industries to thrive.”
In addition to the Expo, Water Week 2014 will also feature the National Water Policy Forum & Fly-In, April 7-9, 2014. Jointly-hosted by NACWA, WEF and WERF, the two and a half day agenda features Congressional speakers, policy briefings, visits to Capitol Hill, and roundtable dialogues with key policy-makers.
For more information on the Water Infrastructure & Innovation Expo and the complete list of Water Week 2014 events, visit