The presented course is an online training that includes both turbomachinery (axial, radial and mixed-flow pumps) fundamentals and practical hands on training to provide you with an in-depth, practical coverage of turbomachinery design, analysis and optimization. The first part of this course relates to the understanding or refreshing of fundamentals concepts linked to the design of pumps, analysis and optimization of pumps. This includes fluid dynamics, aerodynamic theories, pump parameters, cavitation and so on. Then, during the hands on portion students use industry leading software to practice the full design process, starting from preliminary design, then running meanline and streamline calculations, performing optimization, FEA, CFD, cycle analysis, etc.
The course is $1800.00 USD/per person. (Group discounts are available).
Click Here to Register!
About SoftInWay
Founded in 1999 SoftInWay Inc. is a global engineering company present in the USA, Switzerland, India and Ukraine that specializes in the development of efficient turbomachinery. We offer extensive expertise through our training and consulting services along with our flagship software, AxSTREAM™ – for flow path design, redesign, analysis, and optimization, as well as AxCYCLE™ – for design and simulation of full thermodynamic cycles.