Magnation manufactures chemical-free water treatment systems for improving water flow, water/soil quality, yields, plant health, and productivity, reducing chemical and energy requirements. Learn about some of their products and how they work in this video.
Hi, my name is Mike Chenza with Magnation Water Technologies. We’re a leader in chemical-free water treatment. As you see in this picture here, we have one of our devices in a pipeline showing what happens to all mineral clusters in the water and what happens after the treatment.
Most water in our country’s hard water and that’s due to high sedimentation. High mineralization in the water and sodium tends to lock all the minerals to itself. What we’re doing is we’re creating a magnetic field within the pipeline with the geometric agitation to those minerals. Those minerals are broken up and separate and polarized. Each mineral has a positive and a negative charge when it comes out at the end of the system. What this does is allows the water molecule to be uninsulated. It penetrates the ground better and the cell structure better. So, if you’re drinking the water it hydrates more efficiently.
If you’re using it for irrigation it turns your irrigation water into rain like water. In this picture behind, we’re dealing with Well drilling. A lot of times when you have high iron bacterias, salts, or calcium in your well water they lock up the bowls in the pump. This will keep those minerals from bonding and they break-up, so your suction is better. Your efficiency in the pump is a lot better. You have cleaner more efficient pumps. You have less energy used, around ten to fifteen percent. Your mud mixing is a lot better for Well drilling. You don’t have the scale buildup in the pipes that you would normally have.
We have different devices here that go on hoses for gardening or for washing things. This is a very good product for golf courses, in schools, and landscape people. They use this and they see how the water changes in the soil with hydrophobic and localized dry spots. This is for drinking purposes, you could sit on your kitchen top. This is an irrigation system for a six-inch line a lot of center pivots use these so the water goes in it and outside of it. This is our home device that basically springs around a pipe from three-quarter inch to one-and-a-half inch. This replaces your water softener so you don’t have to add salts and deal with salts ever again. This device is our 2-inch device that is used for spraying applications where they’re using herbicides or fertilizers liquid fertilizers or any spray material you could use this system. You get better solubility, better coverage, leave coverage, faster absorption, and reduction in drift. You have drift control. Just using this device, using physics underwater that helps those water molecules to be a lot more uniform when you’re spraying. This is the Magnation Seed Maximizer. A lot of farmers use these on their John Deere Cedars for faster germination, better root structure, better resistance, better stands and they’re easily installable on any John Deere Cedar. We also have them in a larger size for augers to be used. It also reduces the electrostatic in the end of the seed so it separates them and for precision planting. For more information, you could go to