In residential areas, it’s common for contractors to want a *QUIET* de-watering pump solution that is also fast and efficient. Working with AllightPrimax, a local contractor installed soakwells and retaining walls, creating a wellpoint system over 50 metres in length with nearly 50 individual spears driven at least 6m into the ground.
This system is all within a stone’s throw of residents who have already moved in to their new homes. “With residents just metres away from earthworks, a pumping solution that minimised noise was paramount” declared Alex Pellicano, AllightSykes Territory Manager.
To drive their system, they wanted to be 100% sure they were getting the best all-around pumping package; so they decided on a competitive trial first. The contractor reached out to AllightSykes and one other local pump supplier. “In a competitive market, it’s becoming more common for clients to ask for a test drive” explains Alex. In fact, he welcomes the opportunity and will often let clients know that the “try before you buy option is available”.
“AllightSykes pumps out-perform most other machines available, so ‘bring it on’, challenges Alex! “We love to see a comparative test. When our performance curves are laid on the table and compared with any other machine, the results often speak for themselves.”
Alex agrees that the free trial concept makes absolute sense for companies before they commit to a major purchase. “For this particular job, we recommended a pump with Acoustic Covering from our Contractors Range, and they collected the heavy-duty QSWD150i low head model from our Landsdale yard,” he explained. “They’ve been testing the system for a week or two now and all indications show our pump has more than matched their expectations”.
There’s been no worries with the dewatering process and the customer is delighted with the AllighSykes product. “I’m confident that with their AllightSykes Pump, they’ve found a long-tern dewatering partner” added Alex. “When they’ve completed this on-site trial, I’m looking forward to assisting them with their complete pumping requirements”.
The contractor’s range is designed to meet the robust demands of the construction, mining, and rental industries. “With pump efficiencies of up to 81%, they provide faster and more efficient pumping – resulting in big savings for the end user,” states Alex.
To learn more about AllightSykes Pumping Solutions – including our FREE TRIAL option – get in touch with Alex Pellicano. Email: Or call his mobile: 0477 099 220 (AUS)
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