Clean Water Advocacy, Education and Innovation Come to Capitol Hill
A diverse group of U.S. water sector organizations will join forces next month in Washington, DC for Water Week 2016. Scheduled for April 10-16, this annual event provides an opportunity for water professionals to advocate for national policies that advance clean and safe waters in support of a healthy sustainable environment. The goal is to inform and inspire state and national policymakers about important water-related issues while communicating the value of water to environmental protection, economic development, and job creation.
Organized by the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), Water Research Foundation (WRF), the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), and WateReuse, with support from national, state, and regional water organizations, the event will bring hundreds of water and wastewater professionals to the nation’s capital to meet with members of Congress and federal regulators; discuss key legislative, regulatory and legal water developments; showcase innovations and new technologies; and celebrate the progress of water professionals in addressing our nation’s water challenges.
A preliminary list of events includes:
April 11-13
National Water Policy Forum, Fly-In & Expo
Presented by NACWA, WEF, WERF, and WateReuse, the two and a half day agenda features notable speakers, policy briefings, visits to Capitol Hill, and roundtable dialogues with key policymakers. The event will culminate with a Water Infrastructure & Innovation Expo on Capitol Hill, showcasing clean water innovations and technologies from utilities around the country.
Featured speakers:
• Gina McCarthy, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
• Joel Beauvais, Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA’s Office of Water
• Steven LaTourette, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives (OH 14th District) and the current president & chair of the Federation Government Relations Group
• Amy Walter, National Editor of the Cook Political Report
April 12-14
Water & Wastewater Equipment Manufacturer’s 43rd Washington Forum
April 13
NEWEA Annual Congressional Briefing
April 15
Stormwater BMPs, LID and Green Infrastructure
For the latest information, including agendas and speaker confirmations, visit